You are about to begin a journey...
to a more radiant and vibrant self. Are you ready to begin? We are thrilled to assist you in your journey!
Our Sculptalift Programs are drawn from the ancient wisdom of traditional cupping therapy and acupuncture needling therapy and brings to it modern technology. To give you a synergy of the best of the best. We have searched and traveled the world over to find treatments that fit our philosophy - to enhance the radiance AND the health of the skin and the inner body, not those that damage the skin in order to create an effect. We only offer treatments that we would do on ourselves and those that we love.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the outer body is a reflection of inner health. We don't just try to eliminate "symptoms" such as dull, lifeless, sagging skin, redness, rosacea, lines, brown spots, cellulite, extra weight - they are indicators that the body is out of balance we offer treatments that restore the skins resilience in a natural healthy way. Since the skin and lymphatics are part of the immune system, we believe that aggressive treatments challenge our inner health and need to be respected and prepared for. Thus are treatments produce wonderful results and can stand on their own or can be a preparatory or post treatment for a more aggressive procedure to help the healing process, enhance their longevity - helping them recover faster and extend their results.
Our first Signature treatment is gentle moving cupping that is specially designed to increase lymphatic drainage and stimulate collagen production to tone and tighten the skin as it removes impurities, puffiness and assists in detoxification - helping to bring a radiant glow to the face. With this gentle treatment no external marks are produced - just an invigorating yet relaxing session that can take years off your face... and give a slender line to your body...
We also offer acupuncture needling therapy treatments to enhance skin rejuvenation. These treatments are a powerful way to stimulate collagen and enhance the skin's radiance. We have studied for years and developed a technique that is both gentle and effective for even the most needle sensitive.
To both of these we add light therapy to enhance your skin's health and rejuvenation followed by products synergistically developed to match the PH and improve the health and radiance of the skin. We also look at your nutrition and inner body balance and may offer supplements to assist your process creating your own unique complete skin rejuvenation program to enhance your results. This inner body program helps up to build up the deficiencies, clear excesses and restore imbalances that cannot be addressed by treatments alone.
We also do face & body treatments that are based on current therapy utlizing micro - macro currents to enhance body balance, look at out sister site for more information on these wonderful treatments.
Our patients keep raving over and over - "I love the way my skin feels I just can't stop touching it!"
Try the wonderfully rejuvenating treatment they have discovered! Call us at 310-663-9822 to get started.
Here's more of what our satisfied patients are saying about us...
I love the RenewEssence Facelifiting treatment. My mother asked me - did you pluck your eye brows higher? I replied no, it’s the face lift cupping treatment that was done 2 weeks ago. She was amazed - so was I.
By: Gina V.
Before I started this program I put moisturizer on but my skin still felt dry. Now my skin feels moisturized all the time. Before I put the moisturizer on, my face already feels smoother & moist. When I feel my face it feels so soft & it holds the moisture. I’m using less & less products over time. I always thought I had to live in the tropics to have hydrated skin like this. It’s worth every penny! Also, I notice that the lines between my eyebrows aren’t there anymore they disappeared. And… my skin looks so good I don’t have to use foundation any more - and I noticed my pore size got smaller. By: Karin W.
My Roscea was gone after 3 weeks. It calmed me a lot, I was not as hungry doing it. It seemed to help with the sugar cravings and –staying with my sister- she can agitate me and I found I was much better around her when I drank the tea. By: Laura W.
After four children and a large weight gain, you saw what my stomach looked like. I've known I've needed to lose weight, but have been worried that my skin would be a saggy, unsightly mess afterwards. I've known friends who've had skin surgically removed, and that's a huge process that I can't fit into my busy life. I'm so thankful to have found your services, which has been a great alternative to help firm up my skin as part of the weight loss process. I'm also so happy with the herbs that have done a better job than I could have imagined at curbing my cravings and helping me want to eat right. It has been a tremendously easier process than it ever was before.
By: Allison W.
We have had patients that after doing our program had their friends ask them if they "had a facelift?" - but it didn't happen in one treatment - overnight. Nature takes time. Over the years we have learned that those that do the complete program get the best results, so we do not offer single or ala carte treatments - we don't want you to waste your money and we want everyone that we treat to have the best results possible. We do offer maintenance treatments so you can keep that radiant glow.
Here are the before and after pictures of one of our patients
This is our patient Christina. She is a wonderful woman that wants a no fuss protocol for her skin. This picture is BEFORE we did any treatments with her. Notice the lining around her eyes and notice the drooping of her eyelid.
She takes our FOODS For BEAUTY internal nutrition program and has been on it for several years.
She takes our FOODS For BEAUTY internal nutrition program and has been on it for several years.
This is AFTER 1 Treatment.
We did the cleansing massage
followed by light therapy
followed by Renew Essence Facelifting
cupping therapy treatment and application of products.
Notice the improvement in the fine lines around her eye
(where are they now?)
and the lift in her eyelid.
We did the cleansing massage
followed by light therapy
followed by Renew Essence Facelifting
cupping therapy treatment and application of products.
Notice the improvement in the fine lines around her eye
(where are they now?)
and the lift in her eyelid.
Are you ready to get started?
Give us a call so we can set up a consultation and start your journey to looking younger,
feeling better and having more energy - right away. You deserve it!
If you need more information please look through the site - learn what we have to offer so you can make the choice to move on this wonderful path of self healing and rejuvenation. We would be honored to serve you.
Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
The Sculptalift Programs are available at:
2001 South Barrington Avenue Suite 118
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call (310) 663-9822 to set up your appointment Hours by appointment ONLY
We see patients in a semi-private setting and appointment are scheduled to minimize waiting times and mazimize the time spent recieving actual treatments. To preserve the integrity of our services we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Appointments cancelled after this window will be charged in full.
**Please note that due to the nature of our practice where Debra works one on one with each client and does not generally take calls when with patients, we may not be able to respond immediately. We are constantly striving to offer you an exceptional value and keep our costs down. We ask for your understanding and ask that you leave several times when you can be reached to facilitate this process. We will get back to you at our earliest available moment. We appreciate your patience and look forward to meeting you.